This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:
Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)
…or something like this:
The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.
As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!
Do you avoid dealing with life’s challenges? Do you delay or even ignore problematic situations hoping that they will go away? Denial and procrastination do not have to continue to be a way of life for you. Acknowledgement, planning and action are the tools to set you free. Allow this book to encourage you along your journey in achieving a less stressful way of life.
Debra L. Johnson-King is a Financial Strategist/Coach and the Founder & CEO of e DebJon
Group (Your Financial Concierge), a “boutique” financial services company, which provides financial education and planning to individuals and companies by matching clients with the right
fi nancial products and services. Additionally, she is the Community Development Manager for a large, nationwide lender.
She has a breadth of experience that is not very common in the industry having worked for over 20 years in many segments of the fi nancial arena: from mortgage loan origination to life insurance and annuities, real estate and housing, and credit and bankruptcy counseling.
Debra is licensed in numerous states as a mortgage broker, real estate agent and life insurance and annuities agent, as well as being a HUD certifi ed housing counselor and certifi ed debt eliminator. Additionally, Debra is a sought-after speaker, and author.
When not working, Debra enjoys playing at playing golf, dancing, deep sea fi shing, traveling, and reading.
For the past six months, Peter Waldmann has been looking forward to his meeting with Linda Leigh Swanson, the long-lost love of his life, at the Vancouver, BC airport. He has such a grand vacation planned! The day has finally arrived, but when Linda comes out of customs at the airport, Peter senses something is terribly wrong. In the second book of “The Deer/Dear Hunt series, author Alan M. Oberdeck follows Peter as he tries to be with Linda on a two-week vacation, while at the same time trying to find out just what is going wrong with the relationship he is trying hard to establish. Can Peter, a competent salesman, find a way to build up her confidence so she trusts him? Or will Linda decide to leave early and return to Edgerton and the new life she is building there? Vacation with Peter and Linda as they learn ore and more about each other and try to work out their relationship and answer two important questions: What is the space that separates them? And, more importantly, can they bridge the gulf?
Perer Waldmann and Linda Leigh Sanderson have each returned home from their two-week vacation in the great northwest. They plan for Peter to meet Linda again in Edgerton, Wisconsin, over the long Labor Day Weekend. Will she be able to introduce Peter into her world? Will she even want him to be part of her life? Author Alan M. Oberdeck brings together Linda and Peter in the third volume of the Deer/Dear Hunt Series. Peter is now trying to do things in the right and proper manner to become a part of Linda’s life. John Stemple and his wife, Marie will also have great input into how things begin to take place. The dear hunt is on when the deer hunt begins. But then disaster strikes! Will Linda lose Peter yet again? Read the heartwarming conclusion to “The Deer/Dear Hunt Series” and find out.
A time long ago, on the planet of Boldlygo, a race was on the verge of extinction with little hope to find a way to stop it. The leader and his scientist tried taking DNA from other species on the planet to create a new life form. A new life they did create, yet it was not acceptable. The scientist told the leader, “A female we must have.” This statement brought many questions as to how or where. The only females on the planet were infertile. As they sat and pondered as to how they would come about such females, an idea occured. “Let’s build a ship,” said the scientist, “to carry us to other worlds in search of a female.”
PHILIP BARRETT is the Broker/Owner of HomeValue Realty, LLC; a residential and commercial brokerage in South Florida. Over the past 22 years, Philip has forged relationships with lending institutions, local cities, government agencies, and hedge fund owners. Some of his clients include Fannie Mae, HUD, VA, and other asset management companies. Philip is known for his extensive knowledge in Real Estate Owned (REO) properties, market trends, and property values. He handles all aspects of bank owned processes; from assignment to closing.
I praise God for all that has happened to me because through all this, I have learned to know God in a real way. Like in the book of Job 42.5 (TLB), “[But now l say,) I had heard about you before, but now I have seen you, and I loathe myself and repent in dust and ashes.”
This book was written, to show how our God can get us out of any circumstances that we might put ourselves into. I have no explanation, why God in His awesome power has chosen to reveal Himself to me. All I know is that He fulfi lls His promises just as He says He will. Anyway, my struggle was just beginning.
Romans 8:28-29 (TLB) it says:
And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fi tting into His plans. For from the very beginning God decided that those who came to Him-and all along He knew who would-should become like His Son, so that His Son would be the First, with many brothers.
Has life beaten you down?
Are you tired of being tired?
Have you hit a dead end in your spiritual growth?
We live in a society that is longing for fulfi llment from all the wrong sources. However, we will never be truly satisfi ed apart from Christ. In Growing Pains, Shontel Stanford shares her story of how God took her from brokenness to wholeness and how He will do the same for you! Shontel opens up about her journey with Jesus and brings a candid understanding of what He requires of every believer—your all. She is hysterically funny and bluntly honest as she gives you practical principles on how to live your best life in Christ. Many Christians never experience God’s best for their lives because they are not willing to let go of the things that are destroying them. God wants His people to live a fruitful life, but in order to do that, fi rst there must be a cutting away of dead things. Are you ready for God’s best?
Before man walked the earth Dragons were the most powerful beings that lived. They had a civilisation that could put any to shame. Defence, education, magic and harmony, but, sometimes trouble came their way. They never caused it, but neither did they back down on what was right, and they defended their own and their friends fiercely. And so it was, the call for help came from the Merpeople, they had a longstanding friendship, and often met up in Sea Valley to pool information and share a bountiful meal. Since the battle of the Wolfcrabs was past and no one had been hurt, it had been a peaceful time for everyone.
My father, Andy, to whom this book is dedicated, used to read us bedtime
stories. When I had a granddaughter, Nicole, I did the same thing, except that I made the stories up. I also made up stories for my niece, Amanda. One day, I decided to write these stories down so that I could share them with other children.
Delores (Dee) Ray was raised in a small resort towin in Northern Wisconsin with 4 sisters and 2 brothers. She has one son, Lonnie, and one granddaughter, Nicole, and a 3 month old great granddaugter, Farrah.
When she was young, she realized not all children have an easy childhood and this inspired some of her children’s stories. She loves writing stories for them to give them faith and encouragement.
She currently is a Financial Advisor in downtown Minneaspolis. She like this profession as she keeps up to date on world event. Also she enjoys people and gets to work with people from all walks of life. This keeps the business fascinating and enjoyable. There is always something new to learn in this profession.
Silicon Valley is arguably the birthplace of the high-tech, modern world. Even here, in this shining testament to the heights of human achievement, there are ancient forces that hide in the shadows, pursuing their own agendas. A homicide investigation triggers a series of events that will cause the two worlds to collide. A woman awakes with no memory and tries to piece together her past, finding unexpected allies and sinister enemies along the way. Her personal quest becomes a race against time as a dark legend threatens to become all too real, leaving the fate of the world hanging in the balance.
Michael S. Ripley was born in the Monterey Bay Area of Central California, in an age before cell phones and home computers. His formative years were heavily influenced by dinosaurs, Ray Bradbury, Avalon Hill Wargames, J.R.R Tolkien, Dungeons& Dragons, Godzilla, and H.P. Lovecraft. After graduating High School, he spent four years in the U.S Armny spying on the East Germans during the Cold War. After his military sting, he earned a four year degree in European History, with a minor in Military History, from San Jose State University and counting. When not at work, he spends time with his partner Caroline or paying games with his current RPG group. This is his first book.
Veteran salesperson Peter Waldmann is on a routine sales call when he is surprised to find that the new purchasing agent he is calling on is none other than John Stemple, his very best friend from high school forty years earlier. In “The Deer/Dear Hunt” series, author Alan M . Oberdeck explores the threads of life that affect everyone. See life through the eyes of a man who committed a stupid, youthful act that left him maimed and cost him the love of his life Linda Leigh Swensen. When Peter and Linda accidently meet, he is forced to ask the question, can you ever go back again?